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LeadExec Concepts

A fundamental overview of the main components of the system

Chris Arenas avatar
Written by Chris Arenas
Updated over a week ago


LeadExec is a browser-based web application designed for automated lead distribution. The application provides functionality to accept inbound leads from internal sources or third-party partners and deliver leads outbound to multiple endpoints using industry-standard practices.

Two of the most essential parts of LeadExec are found in the Account Settings. They are the Lead Type and Automation settings.

Lead Types:

The first thing that needs to be configured in a new LeadExec account is your Lead Type, where you will set all your lead fields. It is possible to have multiple lead types in your account if you work within a number of different verticals. Many parts of the system are based on and work from the Lead Type, which is why it is a crucial first step in configuring your account.

Automation Preferences:

Another major component of the system is Automation preferences. These settings are found under the Client Settings section of the Account Settings page. These options set the delivery automation that will be used by default throughout the system. These settings can be overridden in lead source campaign settings if needed.

LeadExec UI Overview:

The sections below provide details on the different areas of the system, which are found in the left-hand menu in the main UI of LeadExec.


The Leads section provides access to all lead data and distribution reports. The two primary screens used in this section are All Leads and Distribution.


The Inbound section of LeadExec relates to how leads come into the system and provides access to configure and manage your Lead Sources. The main components in this area are Lead Sources and Campaigns.

Lead Sources:

Lead sources can be defined as the location from which a lead was submitted. This can include many different examples, but the most common is a website or 3rd party affiliate partner.


Campaigns exist to allow a lead source to send in multiple different types of leads. This can range from different types of leads and lead categories to splitting leads out by criteria for different cost points. Think of a campaign as a receiving avenue within a lead source. An example would be if your lead source is your website, you could have a campaign for each lead capture form located on that website. This way, an account can see how many leads they received from their website as a whole, but also can drill down to see which lead forms are performing better. You can also think of campaigns as a way to limit what a 3rd party affiliate partner can send in. For example, if you had an affiliate that you were paying $35 for California leads, but only $15 for Nevada leads. You can use campaigns (with criteria) to limit which accounts and which price points these leads are assigned to.


The Outbound section of LeadExec relates to leads posting out of the system and provides access to your client configurations and associated screens. Two of the main components of Clients are Delivery Methods and Delivery Accounts.


Clients can be defined as the location where a lead will be delivered. There are a lot of different terms when describing a client. Some examples are branch, dealer, and lead buyer. Each of these fall under the generic term "Client". In corporate applications, most companies do not sell leads to their clients but instead, use LeadExec as a tool to distribute leads down to their branches and dealers to be worked by agents. However, in non-corporate applications, companies may sell leads and create orders to determine how many leads can be delivered to a lead buyer. Throughout LeadExec, we use the term Client to roughly describe where a lead will ultimately end up. Clients receive leads through delivery methods and delivery accounts.

Delivery Methods:

Delivery method settings are found in the Client Details screen and determine how a lead will be delivered to a client. There are multiple ways that a lead can be delivered, such as HTTP Webhook, Ping/Post, Email, and SMS.

Delivery Accounts:

Where delivery methods determine how a lead will be delivered, a delivery account determines what type of lead will be delivered through criteria. Delivery accounts are comparable to lead source campaigns as they provide options to qualify the lead for the client as well as set distribution and lead quantity rules.

Other Noteworthy System Concepts:

Understanding Channels:

Think of Channels of what type of lead is being sent into the system, or how the lead is posted into your account. There are four Channel types. The type of Channel is selected when setting up campaigns and can determine how leads are processed through the system for delivery.

  • Web Leads: Web leads are the most common type of lead processed in LeadExec. These are leads coming from a website/landing page or third-party lead source.

  • Phone Leads: Phone leads are leads entering the system through the LeadExec IVR system.

  • Chat Leads: Chat leads are created on a landing page or website using the LeadExec AI chatbot.

  • Ping/Post Leads: Ping/Post leads are Web Leads that are first pinged into the system from your Lead Source to ensure there is coverage for the lead and that revenue requirements are met.

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