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Integrations - Unbounce Form Intake
Integrations - Unbounce Form Intake

How to use third party solutions for lead intake

Gabriel Buck avatar
Written by Gabriel Buck
Updated over a week ago

In order to integrate your Unbounce Forms with your LeadExec account, you will need to follow the steps located in this article.

You will need to generate your posting instructions from within your LeadExec account before moving forward with your form integration.

Once you have your posting documents you are going to want to log into your Unbounce account and select the form that you wish to integrate with LeadExec.

This will bring you to your Form settings page. Click 'Edit' to bring up the form to begin the first steps of the integration.

Once you are on your form page click on the field section of your form to bring up the field settings.

Add all of the fields that you wish to capture on your form with in this section. Use your Posting documents to assist you with how to set up each field.

("The field names that you see here are strictly to be shown on the form. Do not worry about making them match with the Field Name column inside of your posting instructions those will be used when we set up the web hook integration into LeadExec.")

From here we are going to get to set up the required fields to post into your LeadExec account. Each post into LeadExec will require you to input VID,LID and AID. Each one of these fields has a static value. To add these fields you will click Hidden Field. Give name the field VID and for Default Value use the value provided on your posting instructions.

VID: 6240
LID: 4439
AID: 13278

You are going to do this for every field that you want to enter your system with a static value. Once you have all of the fields on your posting instructions added to this section click Done and Save the page.

Once you save the page click on the Unbounce Logo at the top left of your screen this will bring you back to your Forms Page. Select the form you edited.

Once you are on the Forms Setting Page locate the WebHook: POST to URL option under the Leads & Form Integration section.

Click on the WebHook: POST to URL option. This will bring you to the Webhook Wizard. Take the URL on your LeadExec posting instructions and paste it into the URL for POST text box.

Click 'Continue'.

Select Configure Field Mapping this will allow you to set the fields on your form to post over to your LeadExec Account.

For each of the fields in this section, you are going to want to select the dropdown located under the WebHook (POST to URL) Field section and select Add New Field this option is the last one on the dropdown. Create the field name for the field you select. In this example, we are doing the Name field. LeadExec expects the field to be posted over as Name. Once you are done click Add Remote Field do this for each one of the fields on this section.

Once you have this done you are good to click Done. This will allow leads to come into your LeadExec account from your Unbounce web forms!

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to your Account manager or input a ticket and support will make sure to assist you.

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