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Lead Portal Delivery Method

For clients who only access leads through the client portal.

Chris Arenas avatar
Written by Chris Arenas
Updated over a week ago

Using the lead portal delivery method is a quick way to get your clients set up to receive leads. The client will only have to log in to the client portal, which can be used as a micro-CRM, to access their leads.

To note, leads delivered through all other delivery methods are also available in the client portal.

Click the Create button in the upper left-hand corner in Delivery Methods. This will generate a popup window to input the basic settings of the delivery method.

Description – Name your delivery method

Delivery Type – Select Lead Portal for your delivery type.

Lead Type – Select the lead type the delivery method will be based on. To note, this setting cannot be changed after the delivery has been created.

Environment – If your client has a separate endpoint for testing, this allows you to set the delivery account in “Testing” mode when you can set a testing endpoint.

Once you’ve made your selections, hit the Create button. This will move you to the main settings page of the delivery method, starting you out at the General settings tab. Here you can review the settings you just saved. If your settings look good, you can move on to the next tab.

Next article: Portal Permissions >

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