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Details on the Lead List Screens, Distrbution, Quality Control, Retruns and Delivery Queue

Lead List - Viewing Lead InformationViewing lead information is helpful in understanding your lead properties, lead scoring, change history and more
Lead List - Lead DetailsWhen you open a lead, you can view the details about the lead, the process flow, TCPA validation, and more
Lead List - Manually Adding a LeadThe Add Lead button allows you to manually add a lead within the Lead List screen
Lead List - How to Move & Edit ColumnsCustomize your lead list to view your lead data, just the way you like
Lead List - How to Use Advanced SearchAdvanced search within your lead list will help you find the exact lead you are looking for
Lead List - How to Manually Send LeadsManually send leads to clients from your lead list.
Lead List - Create Pivot Report from List ViewCreate custom reports or choose from pre-loaded reports
Lead List - How to Export Leads from ListExporting your leads from your lead list is simple, just follow the tutorial
Quality Control - Understanding This ScreenUse Quality Control to stage your leads, verify, and check prior to delivering to any clients, buyers, or sales teams
Quality Control - How to Manually Send LeadsUse the quality control to stage leads, verify them prior to delivery.
Distribution - How to Use This ScreenUnderstand how your leads are sold or distributed to your various buyers or sales teams.
Distribution - Manually Send LeadsWhen you need to send a lead that missed being delivered by automation you will want to manually send this lead
Distribution - Viewing Your Client InformationQuickly and easily view your client details from this screen
Returns - Understanding this ScreenUse the Returns screen to approve and deny returns as well as managing all of your lead returns.
Returns - Setting up Lead Return ReasonsFor each Lead Type, you can setup acceptable lead return reasons.
Returns - Managing Lead ReturnsManaging lead returns is a big part of successfully managing your lead based business, we will cover the basics.
Delivery Queue - Understanding This ScreenUse the Delivery Queue to monitor your leads being processed in real-time
Lead List - Troubleshooting Rejected Leads